26th June 2022 Group Event

Bookings for Model spots are full.

Still accepting Photographers to join.


Come and experience our group events. We have over 10 sets available to create some cool content.

Event Details:

Fantasy & Soul Studios – Lake Macquarie. Cooranbong.

Sunday 26th June 2022 – Start shoot time 11am to 3pm (4 hours).

Looking for 10 Models (1 model per set) – $60 per model.

10 – 20 Photographers (1 to 2 togs per set) – $80 per photographer.

Payments via Paypal via booking section above.

All participants must be 18 years and older.


Event Hosts: (We will also have cameras on hand to take photos)

Bevan – Fantasy Photos

Amba – Soul Creator Photography

Event Assistants Models.


There will be our team models on the day to help assist the girls and also when models for the day are getting changed they will jump in sets to be photographed till they are ready.

Models to arrive after 10am, Photographers to arrive 10:40.

Models will give us their preference top 5 preference of sets that you wish to do first. We will organise to those preferences so you can work out which outfits to start out.

There will be an hour of free for all, so everybody will have an opportunity to shoot with anyone so nobody is missed shooting a model.

Use the booking section above, first in best dressed.

Please only book if you intent on coming as we set up the schedules to make it all work. (No refunds, unless we can get another paid person to take your place).

Any questions send an email to : bookings@fantasynsoulstudios.com


(Click on heading for more info)

Our group events are fun, exciting and plenty of laughs to be had. 


The studio is unique with over 10 sets in over 200sqm of studio space including dressing rooms. We built this space for as many people to enjoy and create something unique. Every model, every photographer has a different style.


Experience this as a networking event, this may lead to further work by creating content, meeting new people, photographers, models that may want to work with you in the future or join up with the studio for potential opportunities when models or photographers are needed.

All of our events everyone pays, this allows us to keep updating our studio as well as cover the cost in running the studio.

Our expectation for the photo exchange, is for the models to obtain 3 to 6 photos per set,  the models can use for content / social medias.  Any more is up to the photographers. 


Photographers,  we know how busy we can get and editing photos can be time consuming so if possible please try to give images to the models within in a 3 week period, any longer please contact the model, always good to communicate. 


*Photographers,  If any models are wearing see-through outfits on the day, please make sure to cover up private areas ( blur out or draw over )  for social media. 

* Models/Photographers – if you wish to submit any images to magazines, please check first with the each other, it should be mutually agreed.

Models – This is a fantastic opportunity to get alot of images for a low entry price. Example if 10 photographers photographed you, expect about 30 images therefore the entry cost is equivalent to $2 per image.

We wish to create a safe environment and we welcome all body types and discourage any remarks that may offend or upset a person. Our spaces are positive and encouraging. 

We accept all levels are beginners to experts. We all have to start somewhere and we are all here to help each other grow.

Our sets will be :

– Gothic  Boudoir Set

– Boudoir Beauty Set

– Vintage Red Set including Throne

– Tiki Bar

– Wooden Cabin / Bathtub Set & Secret Garden Look with Swing. 

– Disco Fever Set

– Baby Doll Room

–  Classic rumpus Room with Fire Place 

– Retro Diner with  Jukebox set

– Gamer Grunge Set

(No Wings for this event)

Check our instagram – highlights for sets and videos  @fantasy_n_soul_studios

Bring own flash / strobes with batteries (not power) / soft boxes. Please charge all batteries and bring your camera cards.



We want this to be a fun atmosphere and safe space for our models, photographers and anyone that visits the studio. We just have some general rules of the studio.

Please be respectful to all people at all times. Follow direction of the hosts of the event.

Please shoot all models even if not your style.

We are surrounded by residential areas, please be respectful around the property.

Also wildlife is all around the studio we need to keep all doors closed.

Entry into dressing rooms only for Models / hosts.

As photographers know we are to be professional at all times. No touching the models just directing your poses, if a model does not feel comfortable please do not persist.

Please do not lean or apply pressure on attached walls.

Please do not move heavy furniture, especial on the vinyl flooring as it moves the flooring and leaves marks and makes the surface uneven.

Props can be moved in and out of sets as required.

Sample photos & Videos

Fantasy & Soul 1st Group Event
Helmonte Designs & Photography
Newcastle Photography Group Event
Fantasy & Soul Studios